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الخميس، 03 نوفمبر


Underwood Healing

Sound Meditation ORMOND

Guided group meditation & Sound Healing with Katie. Limited to 6 guests per session.

Sound Meditation  ORMOND
Sound Meditation  ORMOND

الوقت والموقع

03 نوفمبر 2022، 7:00 م – 8:00 م

Underwood Healing, 635 North Rd, Ormond VIC 3204, Australia

نبذة عن الحدث

A small group/class to learn and practice short meditation techniques & receive deep relaxation with sound. Live vocals, Tibetan & Vedic healing mantras, handpan, chimes, native medicine drum & singing bowls. 

Mats, blankets & cushion provided. Chairs available if you prefer to be seated. 

Who is this class for? 

Anyone who is curious about meditation or looking to kick-start their own regular meditation practice. 

People looking for healthy ways to relax and a place to connect in person with other like-minded souls.

Anyone wanting a more affordable option to receive sound healing more regularly. 

Benefits of regular Meditaton & Sound Healing:

reduced anxiety

improved sleep

helps with symptoms of depression & PTSD

decrease pain

reduce stress 

spiritual connection

deep rest

improve focus & concentration

create new social connections


  • Casual ticket

    Mat, cushion & blanket provided.

    AU$ 39.00
    الضريبة: gst متضمن+AU$ 0.98 رسوم خدمة
    انتهى البيع


AU$ 0.00

شارِك هذا الحدث

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